Hypnobirthing 100% prepared me for my birth!
We had a little girl and have named her Eloise and we are SO in love.
Your course 100% prepared me for my birth. I don’t think it would have went as well without it.
I ended up being in labour for two and a half days. I had my waters broken because of meconium and went into active later straight away without further intervention which was great. I really wanted to have a water birth however this couldn’t happen because I had to be monitored throughout the labour. I think the biggest thing I took away from your course was to have a “birth preference plan” but to be open to whatever happens.

Labour and birth was not what I expected it to be (not in a bad way) but there were some unexpected things which came up that I felt prepared to tackle and didn’t let it worry me. I felt prepared to deal with whatever happened.
Eloise was born on Thursday 14/05 (two days after her due date, I actually went into labour on her due date). She was 4.408kgs and was 56cm long so she was a big girl but all of the more to love! I have attached a couple of photos.
Thanks for everything Shari. You do great work and are a massive support for Mumma’s to be!
Chloe xoxo
If you would like to book into one of Belly2Birth upcoming face to face Hypnobirthing courses on the Gold Coast CLICK HERE
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