I actually felt like superwoman! This course should be mandatory!
I was lucky to have a pretty good birth first time round but it was a very long labour and I just wasn’t prepared mentally for the whole experience. I came across Shari online and knew straight away we should do her course. Over the weekend course, we learnt a lot even for second-time parents and we walked away feeling so much more prepared and I wished I had done the course before my first! Shari was so positive and welcoming, We actually couldn’t wait until it was labour/birth time!
I was convinced this baby would come early so when my due date came I was quite surprised. For the past week or so I had been having really rough nights, Braxton Hicks, hip pain, unable to lay down and hardly any sleep, every night I dreaded going to bed thinking I would go into labour feeling so exhausted. I had been listening to my birth tracks from the course every day and whenever I could fit it in with a toddler, it was great to have them to focus on and bring me back to prepping for labour/birth especially with everything going on with Covid situations at the time. The night before I went into labour I had a horrible night, I made Ben stay home from work (this was my due date) as I just couldn’t cope with a toddler all day alone.

When I put my son down for his nap around lunchtime I remember laying on the couch trying to rest still feeling I was convinced, Braxton Hick, I decided to listen to my relaxation tracks.
Around 3.30 pm I started timing them just out of curiosity, still chasing my toddler around the garden. They were getting closer and more regular in timing but not more intense so I still brushed it off as Braxton Hicks.
The app kept telling me ‘get ready to go to hospital’ and I thought, no way this is nothing like the first time. They started to intensify around 6 pm and I called the hospital but got the answerphone so we decided to just go in. I made the call once we put our son to bed we would leave, this was around 7:30 pm. As soon as I got in the car it was more uncomfortable. But still not as intense as last time so I was worried they would send me home.
We got assessed around 8/8:30 pm to which I was about 5cm. I remember thinking only halfway oh god this is going to take forever, But I focused on my breathing and pushed the thoughts aside. We went through to birth suite and I was listening to the Hypnobirthing music as I’d been listening to the relaxations and affirmations most of the afternoon. I concentrated on my breathing and positioning. Things intensified quite quickly, I could no longer sit through a surge or lean on Ben, I felt the need to drop to the floor but also get away from the surge pushing myself up off the floor with my arms, I remember saying I didn’t think I could do it again, not knowing how much longer to go I guess I assumed it would be a long time like my first. I said I wanted pain relief but didn’t know what, my surges were quite close together.

My midwife suggested we run the bath, we had discussed a water birth which is what we wanted this time as it hadn’t happened with our first. But I didn’t want to get in the water until it was close to go time. I said if she thought it would help to do it and I stood in the shower while that was being done. Standing in the shower leaning on Ben during surges it was all getting too much.
I got into the bath and there was a relief, it was easier to breathe through my surges although they were intensifying and getting closer and closer. I could hear the midwife talking but didn’t hear what she was saying because I was so focused on my breathing.
I felt the need to push so I did. She said to go with it. Shortly after she asked me to get out of the bath, this happened with my first and it was all uphill from there, I remember being disheartened but also not thinking about it too much, there was some blood which they had to determine if it had come from my bloody show or something else.
I was examined and told I could get back in the water, I was so relieved, it was just my show, however, she did say the anterior lip of my cervix was still in the way so to try and breathe through a few more contractions without pushing. While they warmed the bath up again I stood in the shower and it was a real effort to stand. I remember actually biting Ben during a couple of surges, I couldn’t have done it without him.
Shortly after getting back in, I was pushing again, on my knees leaning over the side of the pool, I could feel the babies head bearing down.
I could feel that it was crowning and I just went into major push mode without even thinking about it. I was screaming like crazy but also focusing on my breathing, I was in a zone. A few big pushes and he was out, he was born in his water sac, it burst when he came out, (we got this on film thanks to a student doctor which was pretty cool to watch) and his cord was wrapped around his neck a few times which was a bit scary, Ben was behind me in the water ready to catch him but he went forward so the midwife told me to pick up my baby! I couldn’t believe it finally having our baby in my arms I had done it! Hearing that first cry was the best feeling. Getting onto that bed holding our baby

I had a physiological birth of the placenta, just over an hour, which I was and am so grateful for! a doctor helped to push on my stomach to help the placenta out (uncomfortable but not painful) as I couldn’t effectively push at the time but In the end, I managed to muster up one last push for the placenta, and Ben cut his cord.
After the birth, which was a lot quicker, easier surges yet way more intense pushing stage, I was prepared for the aftermath.
To my surprise I needed no stitches and felt so much more positive after this birth, it was a totally empowering experience.
My recovery was also a lot easier and quicker this time, my abdominal separation was dealt with from day 1 post-birth and I’m so grateful I found my tribe to make this such a great birth. Shari from belly 2 birth and the Hypnobirthing course I cannot recommend enough.
This course should be mandatory! A great women’s physio is also high on my list & my Osteo. Birth truly is the most life-changing, mentally and emotionally not to mention the physically challenging thing I have ever experienced in my life & I’m so grateful & thankful that my babies chose me.
Brooke - Gold Coast

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