"An amazing birth experience implementing helpful hypnobirthing pain relief techniques & tools".
Our little Daisy May entered the world at 12.30pm on Wednesday 27th July, one day after her due date.
I had an amazing birth experience implementing helpful pain relief techniques and tools given in the Belly2Birth course with Shari Lyon.
Starting Tuesday the 26th of July (due date), scrubbing the dirt from my kitchen tiles on all fours at 6am in the morning ha ha. While I was frantically scrubbing away I started getting cramps, I got so excited thinking it was the start of my birth story and it sure was.
I started with mild cramping all day Tuesday. Listened to music at home and slept most of the day preparing my body for what was to come. In the afternoon, my partner and I went for a big beach walk and had our favourite Indian for dinner.
After dinner my surges ramped up to every 12-15 minutes. I put my tens machine on and laid in a nest I made on the ground in between surges, drifting to sleep between most, saving all the energy I could. When a new surge arrived, I got on my hands and knees, turned my tens up high and rocked back and forth, humming and grunting. I continued this until 4am, when my waters broke.
It was on! After my waters broke, surges took over my body, 2-5 minutes apart and back to back with sometimes no rest. My partner was amazing and packed the car and spent his time helping me, reassuring me that I was strong and capable. I couldn’t get off all fours at this stage. I laboured at home until 6am and called my midwife Vanessa, who met us at the hospital.
I hated the car ride, it was horrible. I closed my eyes at this point and went so internal, I didn’t open my eyes again until I was in my birthing suit.

I had one examination on arrival, which I was more then happy with. 6-7cm! I got into the shower whilst they filled the birthing bath for me and I started to think I couldn’t do it. The bath was amazing, I thrusted and swayed and rocked and swung my hips around in the water, feeling weightless, making primal noises for hours. I asked for some gas and air, I LOVED IT. It saved me. I was breathing it in heavily and groaning the air back.
My body started bearing down at 10.30am. I was getting double up surges, bearing down, breathing my baby out, and then my body would let me rest for a decent 10 minutes before the next bearing down surge. This rest felt blissful, knowing my body was letting me rest for what was to come.
My last surge in the bath, baby did a big poo and I had to hop out as this was a risk. This did not bother me. My midwife pushed the bed right next to the bath and I was guided to the bed where I grabbed onto the bed head, squatted and roared my Bub out in the next three surges.
I grabbed Bub from between my legs, and cried, it’s a girl, it’s a girl, I did it, we did it!

My partner chanted, FLOPPY FACE FLOPPY FANNY throughout my labour. Using soft touch affirmations and music to make me feel confident and comfortable. He was the best birthing partner.
We did it and now are little Daisy girl is earth-side and so precious.
To book into a Hypnobirthing Course on the Gold Coast with me CLICK HERE
To book into a Live Online Hypnobirthing course through Zoom CLICK HERE
