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After a traumatic first birth Hypnobirthing helped us have a healing second birth!

Hi Shari,

We welcomed a beautiful baby girl 3 weeks ago after a quick 2 hour labour.

We were so calm and I really used the breathing and visualisation to help me through the surges. I used the ball, shower and a tens machine and had no cervical checks or intervention.

My body started to expel baby and my OB was extremely ‘hands off’ and let my body push when it wanted. I didn’t even get a tear and I think it was because I really breathed my baby down rather than forcefully pushing.

We have been recommending you to everyone as we absolutely loved the course and used so many of the techniques in labour.

We can’t thank you enough for helping us to have a healing birth after our traumatic first birth xx

Hannah & Jon

Gold Coast

To book a face-to-face group Hypnobirthing Childbirth Education course with Shari Lyon on the Gold Coast CLICK HERE

To purchase the Journey to Birth Hypnobirthing Online Course CLICK HERE



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