I definitely had moments of ‘I can’t do this’
Our little girl Luca arrived right on her due date! 4/2/19
I birthed at the Tweed in the bath using the breathing techniques and listening to the guided meditations.
We arrived at the hospital at midnight with my waters breaking on the way. She was born at 545am.
Tell u what, I would not have made it through without pain relief if it hadn’t been for your course! But I have to say I certainly wasn’t as composed as the women in your birth videos, I roared the house down!!!
I definitely had moments of ‘I can’t do this’ which Mum and Darryl helped me through.
It was all worth it though for this little gem
Thanks so much for everything on behalf of Darryl and I.
I have recommended your course to all the pregnant women I speak to.
Hayley & Darryl
Gold Coast
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