When I look back I'm so proud of myself. I would never change a thing!
I always feared birth...being told things like I would have big babies, how long, painful labour and birth was that I would definitely need drugs and list goes on...that was until recently.

Though I had first heard about Hypnobirthing many years ago from a pregnant client at work. She was telling how wonderful it was for preparation for birth. She oozed confidence and strength. Then in my mind I was thinking that would be something I would love to do-I wanted to be that person I viewed her to be that day. Years on when I became pregnant Hypnobirthing was right there in the front of my mind. I never forgot it. I contacted Shari from Belly2Birth and booked my husband and I in for a course...I wasn't even 12 weeks at that phone call that's how keen I was. I knew it was for me! I walked out on that Sunday afternoon in February from our weekend course feeling so much confidence, knowledge, fears released and armed with a complete change in how I viewed birth. I too overheard many times my husband Aaron recommending it to people and openly talking about it which was just awesome!
I had people comment all the time during my pregnancy about how relaxed, calm and ready they felt me to be...it was true! Knowing inside it was because of everything I had learnt and was actively practicing Hypno. Affirmations were placed around our bedroom and bathroom with bubby's scan picture displayed so we could admire him every day. In the last 4-6 weeks I very much actively practiced Hypno-listening to my affirmations daily and relaxation tracks.
In the last 2 weeks (38-40 weeks) I practiced very heavily to help bring on labour as the doctors would have liked to induce me. Our baby's tummy circumference had decreased in comparison from his 32 and 38 week scan. After conversation and consideration with my husband I declined their recommendations and chose the option of going to the hospital everyday for alternate scans and heart rate monitoring. I think I ticked off every possible natural way to help bring on labour that was in the Hypnobirthing booklet!! Even going for a very bumpy car ride and Clary Sage becoming my best friend!! At 40 weeks and 3 days I went into labour naturally practicing Hypno in my early labour at home and then at hospital all with Aaron by my side being the best birthing partner anyone could ask for. In the end our darling Ellis was delivered via emergency cesarean due to foetal distress as his heart rate had began to drop considerably during my later surges and never returned to where they needed to be. Going into theatre very quickly from there didn't stop me from practicing Hypno- taking myself to another place while it was all happening. Just like the affirmation says 'I am happy for what ever path my birthing may take'.

Our beautiful baby boy Ellis Hastings Paketama was born on the 23rd of May 2017. Weighing 3190 grams (not a 'big' baby!)
When I look back I'm only so proud of myself. I would never change a thing. We are so happy that Ellis was born beautiful and healthy.
I'm loving motherhood and definitely have found my groove. Always learning so much every day. He brings us so much happiness. By Shardae Paketama
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