HypnoVBAC birth of Giorgio Robert
HypnoVBAC birth of Giorgio Robert
When I fell pregnant with my second child I was scared and apprehensive. I had struggled
through my first birth. Looking back, I see now that I was uninformed and unprepared. This
resulted in a drawn-out labour peppered with fear, uncertainty and resulting in a Caesarean
section. I carried many deep seated, negative feelings about my daughter’s birth. I knew I
had to do something different with this baby.
When I told my partner I wanted to Hypnobirth he wasn’t quite sure what to make of the
program. He questioned “how hippy” was it going to be and joked about a drum circle. He
was sceptical and to a degree so was I. But I had heard many good things about Shari and the
Hypnobirthing course and I knew we had to do something. So I stressed to him how
important having a better birth was to me and I asked him to please support me and give the
course a chance.
I quickly found the material Shari presented inspiring and relevant. Right away I saw how I
could apply the information. I remember in the beginning of the first class as she read the list
of birth affirmations tears began welling up in my eyes- this was the path to my healing birth!
As we reviewed the stages of labour in-depth, how the birthing body works- we realized that
no one had taken the time to speak to us about birth like this before. It was enlightening and
comforting. I was really thankful to have my birth partner there so he too could gain this
information and learn actual techniques to help me stay relaxed and calm through the
different stages of labour and birth.
After the class I focused on the elements of the program that resonated with me most
strongly. I wrote out affirmations and posted them around our home. I made time to listen to
the tracks provided through the course. But with an active toddler I must admit, most of my
practice took place in my vehicle in the Woolworth’s car park as my daughter napped!
But I did them regularly and I felt a sense of calm and confidence as my birth approached.
Even as I dealt with a major hiccup with hospital protocol and my attempt to VBAC- the
Hypnobirthing exercises (especially the Fear Release track) kept bringing me back to my core
task of achieving a more peaceful, calm birth. It was possible. I would succeed. Shari spoke
with me during this time always supportive and offering a refresher or additional one-on-one
training if needed.
So when I went into labour unexpectedly two and a half weeks early, I didn’t hesitate or
become bogged down in doubt or fear. Something just clicked inside me and I did the work. I
immediately put the affirmations track on repeat, I breathed accordingly (with the help of my
husband), I showered, I remained calm and quiet. I was able to embrace the process. I was
not afraid.
I was amazed at how the track Surge of the Sea automatically activated within my mind and
body allowing me to “ride the wave” of my surges. I literally chanted “ride the wave”
probably hundreds of times in my head without consciously thinking to do so. That simple
phrase was my pain relief. It is hard to explain but through my practice I became that wave. I
went with it rather than resist. I still cannot believe how incredibly well that tool guided me
through all the way to transition. My 14 hour labour was focused, productive and only felt
like a few hours.
One of the greatest gifts of the course was the bond it created between my husband and I. We
both had been negatively affected by the challenges of our first birth. We had not worked as a
team. My husband struggled to support me. I know this bothered him. But the Hypnobirthing
course brought us together as a birth team. We had a concrete plan of support techniques. He
knew what to do for me. We birthed our son together and that is a memory I will always
Thanks to Shari and the Hypnobirthing program we were prepared. I was relaxed and in a
positive mindset. I was programmed for success. The practice allowed me to let go of the
residual negative feelings from my first birth and replace them with confidence in my body
and excitement. I will be eternally grateful to the program and Shari for healing my heart and
showing me what a humanizing, loving event birth can be. The course is worth every penny.
Make the investment in your family. You will not regret it!
Jennifer & David
Gladstone, Australia