Quinn Rose - Born 31st March 2015
Before I was pregnant I had always said that no matter what I wanted to have the most natural,
positive and calm birth possible. When I was around 13 weeks pregnant I was very happy when I come across Shari’s Belly 2 Birth Facebook page advertising local hypnobirthing classes. I went straight to my husband and asked if he would be interested in doing the classes. Like most males he was a little reluctant thinking it was a load of rubbish until he sat down with me a week before our first lesson and watched Shari's own birth of her beautiful daughter. From there he was extremely interested and excited for our first lesson to know more. Ben and I both left our first lesson feeling completely empowered and couldn’t stop talking about what we had just learnt the entire 30minute car trip home. By the end of our final lesson we felt so confident and ready for the arrival of our baby and so in tune with one another it was amazing.

March 31st rolled around (6 days past estimated due date) and we went up for our weekly check. After a little check our doctor mentioned he had concern due to a large fluid reduction around bub as it had decreased a lot from our last appointment (this was because my waters had leaked the day before). He discussed our options and his concerns and left my husband and I to make a decision. As we didn’t want to take risks and we knew our doctor was going away we decided to allow him to break my waters but asked to have no drips and allow the birth to progress as naturally as possible.
11hrs later completely drug free we welcomed our beautiful daughter into the world; Quinn Rose Murphy weighing 7pound and 49cm long. My entire birth experience was absolutely incredible! Just as we were taught in class I completely relaxed, let go and breathed through my surges. I let my body do what it knows to do, birth my child. Ben was absolutely amazing throughout the entire birth especially in those final few moments just as her head was crowning talking me through each and every surge. He even had me smiling with a little giggle of excitement minutes before Quinn was born. I used the music we got in class and created a word and affirmations board that I took into the room with me to look at between and during my surges, I found this helped me a lot! I can honestly say that at no point in my entire birth did I feel scared, pain or that I couldn’t do it. I felt completely relaxed and in control.

Our midwife was wonderful and so supportive throughout the entire birth. She was so amazed by how calm and relaxed we were that she even said to us after Quinn was born “that was the quietest and fastest delivery I have had”. Quinn come a lot faster than our midwife expected which meant our doctor missed the birth and Ben helped assist with the birth. We are extremely proud of ourselves and so excited to go back again and experience it all one more time.
We honestly couldn’t thank Shari enough for everything we learnt in her lessons, teaching us the power of relaxation and knowledge. The breathing techniques, light touch, positive affirmations, clary sage, the calm and soothing music, it all worked. Today Quinn is a very calm and relaxed baby and is now 7 weeks old.

Tamara & Ben Murphy - Gladstone, CQ