Oct 23, 2018
I had my baby in the hospital car park!!
Hi Shari!!!! I had the most amazing birth experience! It all started in the morning, Oscar was at daycare and Toby was at work. I was at...
Oct 8, 2018
Our birth was so Amazing and Positive!
Hi Shari, I have been meaning to contact you after we completed our Hypnobirthing course to let you know that it was the most rewarding...
Oct 2, 2018
I am so thankful we did the Hypnobirthing course with Shari!
Our Birth Story of Tilly Anna I would like to share our positive and calm birth story of Tilly Anna and I’m so proud I can, thanks to our...
Sep 19, 2018
Our birth Story of Lexi
Our birth Story of Lexi At my last hospital appointment 39+4 they told me they want to induce me on the Sunday night the 12th August as...
Sep 14, 2018
We had just accomplished our goal of a calm and positive birth!
I had been feeling some preterm labour signs for the week prior to my due date. I had a dull ache in my lower back accompanied by the...
Aug 4, 2018
How I birthed a 10 pound baby girl using Hypnobirthing Techniques
I love hearing and sharing birth stories from the couples that I teach and this one is one of my favourites. Jemma shares with us how she...
Jul 22, 2018
Our Marathon of a birth... But We Did It!!
On Thursday July 12th our little earth side Angel Neve entered the world after a marathon labour of 40 hours this was the hardest yet...
Jun 30, 2018
"I was vocal but strong and am so proud that he came into this world naturally"
On Sunday 24th June at 3:30am I woke to a reddish discharge which I was unsure of so I messaged my midwife. She was not 100% sure but...
Jun 27, 2018
"My waters had broken and I could feel our baby crowning." Birth Story of Dustin
I woke up at around 2:30am feeling slight surges. I had felt a few niggles here and there in the weeks prior but knew the surges I was...
Jun 19, 2018
I now recommend three things to every pregnant woman; Hypnobirthing course, a TENS machine and a sup
My guess date was the 16/5 I knew statistically the chances of going into labour/giving birth on the ‘due date’ was quite low but I was...
May 28, 2018
Olin‘s Home Waterbirth
Olin's birth was a quick beautiful water birth at home. I had spent every day since my due date came and went ten days earlier, listening...
Mar 31, 2018
Video Blog : How to create a calm & positive birth environment!
Creating a calm environment while in labour is paramount to creating a positive birth. During labour we need to feel Safe, Private and...