Nov 1, 2018
The feeling of being in “pain” never ever crossed my mind! (Birth Video Included)
Get the tissues, because this birth story brought me to tears!! I met Shon and Brent in my July, 2018 group course this year and the...

Oct 8, 2018
Our birth was so Amazing and Positive!
Hi Shari, I have been meaning to contact you after we completed our Hypnobirthing course to let you know that it was the most rewarding...

Jun 27, 2018
"My waters had broken and I could feel our baby crowning." Birth Story of Dustin
I woke up at around 2:30am feeling slight surges. I had felt a few niggles here and there in the weeks prior but knew the surges I was...

May 28, 2018
Olin‘s Home Waterbirth
Olin's birth was a quick beautiful water birth at home. I had spent every day since my due date came and went ten days earlier, listening...

Feb 28, 2018
"The Gold Coast hospital staff were all 100% supportive of Hypnobirthing"
Hi Shari, Just thought I’d send you a quick email to say thanks for everything. The clary sage most definitely works (either that or just...

Nov 30, 2017
A life changing birth experience, in the best possible way!!
When I told my husband that we were going to Hypnobirthing classes, in a gentle way, he told me he didn't understand why he needed to...

Aug 3, 2017
"Holding my baby in my arms for the first time was the most precious moment of my life!"
My husband Rowen and I welcomed our first born, a beautiful baby boy, Arjay Francis into the world on Friday November 18th, 2016 at...