Feb 15, 2019
Our Nice Quick Labour!
With my due date 5 days away I could feel that our new baby was going to come soon. I was getting contraction like pains at night and we...

Aug 3, 2017
"I stayed relaxed and worked with my body as our wedding song played in the background"
Being that this was my second labour, I felt a little more prepared. I knew this time that if I relax and let my body do what it needs to...

Aug 3, 2017
Birth Story for Arabelle Rei
Birth Story for Arabelle Rei 7:45 Woke up to start getting ready for my doctor appointment. We had scheduled this appointment just in...

Jul 13, 2017
It is amazing how our bodies just know what to do!
Our beautiful little girl arrived three weeks early on exactly 37 weeks. The labor went really well, it was about 8 all up but probably...

Oct 27, 2016
Giving birth to my son Oliver was the best moment of my life!
Giving birth to my son Oliver was the best moment of my life. I do not believe such a beautiful, organic experience would have been...

Sep 13, 2016
"I kept reminding myself that labour is a marathon not a sprint and my reward is my baby boy&qu
Our little boy Riley Michael Kirkpatrick is here he arrived on 13.09.16, 7.3lbs - not the 'big baby' they told me about in the beginning...

Aug 18, 2016
I had a natural birth with no Gas or Pain Relief!
Birth Story of Creed - 18th August 2016 The day before Creed was born would have been one of the most relaxing days my partner and I...

May 12, 2016
Water Birth/Natural Birth of Samuel
Our little one, Samuel Quinn Anderson was born 12th May 2016 The birth went brilliantly. We had a long early labour with some...

Apr 29, 2016
"I cannot praise the hypnobirthing enough and found myself mentally and physically so ready for
Hi Shari, We are so excited to be able to tell you we had a beautiful baby boy called Boston. He was born on 29/4/16 and is everything we...

Dec 5, 2015
I wanted to know what to expect when I gave birth. I wanted to be prepared!
Pregnancy was beautiful for me. I was told that giving birth could also be a beautiful experience. Of all the stories I'd heard, birth...

Oct 21, 2015
I wanted to scream out - I did it and I loved it!
Shari came highly recommended to both Steve and I – I had my doubts but by the end of the first session I knew I was determined to be a...

May 19, 2015
"I listened to my inner voice" Natural Birth Story of Lincoln
Admittedly when I found out I was pregnant I was so fear stricken I didn’t even like discussing the topic of birthing as it made me feel...

Mar 15, 2015
Birth Story of Noah
20 March 2015 - Our "Guess" Date. I was ready to turn my phone off to avoid messages and phone calls checking in to see if anything was...

Feb 27, 2015
HypnoVBAC birth of Giorgio Robert
HypnoVBAC birth of Giorgio Robert When I fell pregnant with my second child I was scared and apprehensive. I had struggled through my...

Oct 11, 2014
Birth Story of Nate - 11.10.14 Gladstone
Hypnobirthing was not known to me when I had my first child back in 2011 so when I heard of it through my friend Shari who was the...