I actually felt like superwoman! This course should be mandatory!
Natural Water Birth for a Big Baby
Hypnobirthing not only helped me achieve my VBAC, but it gave me back my power as a women!
We were absolutely ecstatic about the way our birth went and so happy with our choices
I went from being told I should plan for a C-Section to having an empowering Natural Birth
We’re very grateful that we went into the labour feeling very informed and empowered.
Hypnobirthing gave my birth partner the confidence to speak up when I couldn't
Hypnobirthing 100% prepared me for my birth!
Thanks for giving me the knowledge, the tools and the power to have an incredible experience
"My birth story isn't the typical kind, but I wanted to share it"
"I have never felt so happy and relieved to have this baby in my arms"
"We left the course feeling incredibly empowered and excited for our journey as parents"
"My labour and birth were better than I had hoped"
At no point would I have described my birth as painful, the one word I would use would be empowered!
I’m so proud of all of us for staying calming and remaining positive through our experience.