Jun 29, 2020
We’re very grateful that we went into the labour feeling very informed and empowered.
Hypnobirthing with Belly2Birth helped us feel prepared and empowered to make the right decisions

Jun 29, 2020
Hypnobirthing gave my birth partner the confidence to speak up when I couldn't
I love this birth story as it shows how powerful this course is in also giving birth partners the confidence to speak up.

Jun 29, 2020
Hypnobirthing 100% prepared me for my birth!
We don't call it a "Birth Plan" its about being informed and having preferences

Jun 8, 2020
Thanks for giving me the knowledge, the tools and the power to have an incredible experience
Labour started at 11 pm, with my surges coming at 5-minute intervals and I had never been so excited in my life. I breathed through each...

Jun 8, 2020
"My birth story isn't the typical kind, but I wanted to share it"
Hey Shari, My birth story isn't the typical kind, but I wanted to share it with you because your classes really helped my partner and I...

Jun 8, 2020
"I have never felt so happy and relieved to have this baby in my arms"
Quinn’s Birth Story Wednesday 28 April, just a normal day at the home office. I was dialled into our weekly team meeting halfway...

Jun 8, 2020
"We left the course feeling incredibly empowered and excited for our journey as parents"
Isa and I welcomed our beautiful son, Arlo Alemi Martin, into the world at 6:20 am on Saturday 8th February. He weighed 3.784 kgs and was...

Jun 8, 2020
"My labour and birth were better than I had hoped"
A beautiful and empowering natural birth story using Hypnobirthing techniques